The primary motive of the team is not only to provide quality care, but at the same time make efforts to restore them back with their familes.
It was like any other ordinary day at Bal Asha with routine work as usual when a mere phone call put everyone in a state of tizzy and some hurried activity and alertness. The Executive Director Mr Sunil Arora received a phone call at about 11 am from a central Mumbai police station whether they had received any child at the institution aged 2 – 3 years in the last 2 days to which he replied they had not. The police then went on to give further details about the missing child for whom a complaint was received from his heartbroken parents.
Ironically a few hours later the field social worker called up Sunil informing that the child welfare authority are sending a child to Bal Asha who was found by railway police. As soon as the social worker shared the information about the child. Sunil informed the social worker to immediately contact the central Mumbai Police station about the child as the description matched.
The team immediately without further ado phoned police station and gave them information and description of the boy in our care. The description fitted the missing child but still BAT team wanted to be doubly sure . The police did a home visit of the mother and posted photos of the mother and sister which the social worker showed to the little boy on whats app. The boy who upto now had not uttered a single word uttered the word “amma” (mother) and had a different expression on his face.
The boy was finally restored to his mother with permission of the authorities and all ended as it was meant to.
In the last few days Bal Asha team was able to rehabilitated 2 children back with their families