Open Hearts

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Open Hearts

Open Hearts

Life keeps situating us in different circumstances, whether we accept them readily with open hearts or not is left to us…

Bal Asha Trust team often finds itself frequently in situations which require not only a big heart followed by prompt actions but taking quick decisions too. 

A recent case was of baby Mary who soon became a member of Bal Asha’s large family. Mary was born to an unwed mother who could not look after her due to social stigma.  Her situation became more difficult and alarming when the doctors told her that her 23-day old baby had heart defect.

She went to various NGOs for surrendering the child not only due to the social stigma but for urgent medical help for the child.  Unfortunately she was turned away. Almost twenty days after the child’s birth and going from one agency to another, she learnt about Bal Asha Trust.  She contacted the Trust and shared her anxiety and anguish. The team reassured her that they would do everything in their capacity to help her.   

The next few hours were crucial for us as a team as two important steps had to be completed- – one, the child needed immediate medical care and second  the child welfare authorities had to be informed.

Bal Asha team spoke to the Child Welfare Authorities and the doctors at the hospital and they all pledged support and help. The social workers immediately contacted reached the mother and were shocked to see Maria’s medical condition which was not good at all.  She was a barely 2 kg and was having difficulty in breathing.

She was immediately taken to Wockhardt hospital for a through medical examination where the doctors discovered that Mary was suffering from  congenital birth heart  and have to undergo certain tests. Dr.  Suresh Joshi, the senior cardiac surgeon said that Mary would need an open heart surgery. Till then Mary a was placed in Bal Asha for general care since it had all the facilities for quality care.

For the Bal Asha team that day proved a true test going through not only an unexpected crisis followed by prompt action and taking a quick decision and sanctions for legal procedures but also undergoing a whole gamut of emotions.

Bal Asha’s superintendent, Ms Jayashree Gadappa prepared a care plan for Mary while doctors decided to future treatment for her medical problem.

In due course of time Dr Suresh Joshi operated on Mary at the Wockhardt Hospital. The team is very proud that they could take timely action during Mary’s crucial and in the early phase of her life.   We are immensely grateful to Dr Joshi for his diagnose at the opportune time thus saving a precious life.

Dr Joshi is already familiar with Bal Asha Trust as he had operated on two other children belonging to the institution. Both the children are adopted and have found delightful families. The team is confident that in due course Mary too will find her parents and live a healthy and happy life.

With your generous support Bal Asha Trust was able to take care of Mary in her difficult times.  We hope that you will continue to support us so that together we can make a difference in these young lives.

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