One Step at a time !

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One Step at a time !

One Step at a time !

We have realised these “Bonds of Hope” feature is not only a way to share how well the project is doing, but a way for us pause for a few minutes and look back a little.

Look back and see the amazing journey’s our children are having, since the time destiny’s brought us together.  Shreya was found near a factory in a miserable condition in a town far from Mumbai.  At that time, Shreya was only four days old.

The local police took her to a government hospital.  It was unfortunately not difficult to understand why she was abandoned.   Shreya was a physically challenged child.  

She was soon diagnosed with Arthrogryposis Multiple Congenita (AMC is a disease of newborns resulting in decreased flexibility of the joints) and Congenital Vertical talus (CVT is an uncommon disorder of the foot, manifested as a rigid rocker-bottom flatfoot. Its characteristic radiographic feature is a dorsal dislocation of the navicular on the talus)

She was admitted to a local NGO.   Four years of her life went by, she did receive good care all this time, but no medical intervention for her problems.  The NGO came to know about from Bal Asha Trust.

Welcome Baby Shreya, new member of Bal Asha’s large family. When we first met Shreya what amazed us was her big smile.   This is actually what we have learnt no matter what these children go through; they still have a beautiful smile.

She needed help in most of her activities other then speaking. She speaks constantly in her soft voice.  She loves interacting and talking with other children.    A caring little kid, who calls nurses if she finds any attention.  So, we found ourselves with a kid who has a great personality, will and courage.  We needed some great medical intervention which could get her to her true potential as she grows.

Dr. Rutuja Mehta a pioneer Orthopedic Surgeon from Jaslok Hosital and Research Centre in Mumbai agreed to help Shreya.

A few weeks back Shreya was operated for her CVT in both her legs.  Her CVT was released.   After a few post surgery check ups   the doctor confirmed that the surgery is successful. We can also see the results where the position of her legs has improved drastically.  She loves it!  We are so thankful to the doctor, her team and the hospital for giving her a new phase of life.

You know it will take a while for Shreya to be up and running, the day soon will come. For now it’s One step at a time…

Thanks for being with them at every step!

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